Tuesday, December 11, 2018


First day I am going to the beach
Second day I am going shopping
Third day I am going to the swimming pools
Fourth day I am going to the park
Fifth day I am going to the museum
Sixth day going to meet my friends Seventh day I am going to the waterpark
Eighth day read a book
Neith day I will take a walk outside in the woods
Tenth day do some work on my laptop
eleventh day I went to the famous restaurant and at dinner there
Twelfth day I did some art
thirteen day I went to a game store
Fourteenth day I went and played soccer with my friends

Task#7 timetable

Task#7 timetable



  1. clothes
  2. draws
  3. laptop
  4. phone
  5. Ipad
  6. Shoes
  7. Sokes
  8. book's

Task # 6

Task # 6

Step 1 go on the website

Step 2 add the amount

Step 3 on the second one you write in Nz

Step 4 On the third one write in mexico

Step 5 click the button and it gives you the answer

Make your own airlines

Make your own airlines

  • My company name is Glitter Bug
  • My logo
  • An explanation of what your logo means

My logo means that there is so much glitter on a bug.

How much times do you have to stop NZ to MEX

How much times do you have to stop NZ to MEX

2 times

How much time does it take New Zealand to Mexico

How much time does it take New Zealand to Mexico

18 hours and 40 minutes

What is the airline company New Zealand to Mexico

What is the airline company New Zealand to Mexico


How much does it cost New Zealand to Mexico

How much does it cost New Zealand to Mexico

AKL - Mexico                 NZ $1,805.80

What exports does mexico have

What exports does mexico have

The value of Mexican crude oil exports totaled $49.4 billion in 2011.

What regions does mexico have

What regions does mexico have

  • The Baja Peninsula.
  • Yucatan Peninsula.
  • The Gulf & The South.
  • The Pacific Coast.
  • The North.
  • Central Mexico.

What is the languages spoken at Mexico

What is the languages spoken at Mexico


2 more capital cities

 2 more capital cities

The population of mexico

The population of mexico                                                                                     130,759,074

The capital city in mexico

The capital city in mexico 

                                             Mexico city

How will you travel when your going to mexico

            How will you travel when your going to mexico
                                                                      I will go to mexico in a plane but I am will go to Puebla that is in mexico.

Where in the country will I go to

Where in the country will I go to                                                                                
  I will go to Puebla

To Mr Hadnett

To Mr Hadnett                                          I chose mexico because mexico is a beautiful country and I love there touches and there del cameraman and I want to learn how to do there dance.

2 facts about Mexico

2 facts about Mexico  

                                        1.The official name of Mexico is the United Mexican States.     2.Mexico is the 11th most populated country in the world with around 117 million people (as of July 2012).

Wednesday, December 5, 2018



I chose Mexico because Mexico is a beautiful country and I love there tacos and there del carmen and I want to learn how to do there dance.

Dear Mr Hadnett

I chose Mexico because Mexico is a beautiful
country and I want to learn how to do there dance and 
there tacos and i want to look at the country
because i have not seen it before.